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Official Event : Hacking of the City Hall 2017 à Paris04 - Paris / Foxoo
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Official Event : Hacking of the City Hall 2017 à Paris04

Evènement passé.

Le jeudi 16 mars 2017 à Paris04.

### 1 Day - 5 Events : Startups Meet-Up, pitch a VC in 3', business reverse pitch, workshops and DemoSpaces

Once a year in Paris, French and international innovators now have access to a major event offering them the opportunity to share, connect and build, through their innovations, in the city of tomorrow. This year, we invite them to come and discover the stakes of the world's biggest sporting events, said Loïc Dosseur, co-CEO of Paris & Co.

More than 1,000 start-ups for 3,000 business meetings
More than 1,000 start-ups will be selected to take part in the Hacking de l'Hôtel de Ville in order to participate in 3,000 business meetings. In 2016, 1,040 start-ups took part in the event, including 200 foreign ones, representing 50 countries.

Sizeable Support
For its third edition, the Hacking de l'Hôtel de Ville event will be supported by the Paris City Hall, and large international groups such as AccorHotels, Air France, Elior Group and Orange, but also by the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations and the start-up Bureaux à Partager. The Hacking 2017 will benefit from both French and international media coverage

!!! If you plan to raise money and want to pitch a VC, please apply to 50 startups council session before February 28th !!!

More info :
https://www.hackinghoteldeville.paris/en/ https://www.hackinghoteldeville.paris/en/)

To sign up :
https://www.hackinghoteldeville.paris/en/select-your-category/ https://www.hackinghoteldeville.paris/en/select-your-category/)

Paris City Hall

3 rue de Lobau, 75004 PARIS
Débute à 09H00

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